More Like Thee

More Like Thee is based on two sources:
Quote by Neal A. Maxwell-

“How can you and I really expect to glide naively through life as if to say, ‘Lord, give me experience, but not grief, not sorrow, not pain, not opposition, not betrayal, and certainly not to be forsaken. Keep from me, Lord, all those experiences which made Thee what Thou art. Then let me come and dwell with Thee and fully share Thy joy.'”

“Suffering is Exalting” – Jeffrey R. Holland (Q&A 2012)
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1. When the light fades to dark, when the pain feels too deep.
When the promises I’ve made are just too heavy to keep.
Am I suffering in vain? Is it worth all this pain? I just want to be free of my Gethsemene.

How could I ever say, keep, every hardship away?
Give me peace but not pain, take my struggles and strain,
Let me be more like Thee, but make it easy.

2. With a heart weighed in grief, did Jesus feel the same?
When He asked the cup to pass, did He remember my name?
Did He suffer in vain? Was I worth all His pain? He stayed there for me, in His Gethsemene.

How could I ever say, keep, every conflict away?
Give me love without loss, take the weight of my cross.
Let me be more like Thee, but make it easy.

Ev’ry experience where I struggle within, refines my hard edges till a true change begins.
I’ll endure ev’ry trial, ev’ry ache in my heart.
Don’t keep from me Lord, what made Thee as Thou art.

There is power in pain, strength that comes from the strain. Ev’ry burden changes me so that I can be free, from who I used to be.
And even more like Thee.

When the light fades to dark, when the pain feels too deep, ev’ry part of my refinement, willingly I will keep.

If the notes are too low to sing, as in the low G and F, recommendation to sing those two notes up a third. Ex. G becomes Bb in measure 6, F becomes Ab in measure 8.

Time: 4:50


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